Saturday 18 August 2012

The Exodus South (Selcuk, Ephesus)

I'm sitting in front of a pool drinking a beer with a sexy woman next me. Just to my left, two young guys are playing pool. To the right they sit in front of the bar and behind me they are drinking and laughing, not sure of the language. We have made it to our accommodation at the Atilla Getaway.

The journey started in Istanbul at 8.30am. We were offered a ride to the ferry but the driver was obviously still sleeping and would not open his door. We walked the 2km with bags excited about the upcoming journey. The ferry was very modern and we had numbered seats. Very much like the fast ferry in NZ. We docked 1.75 hrs later at Mudanya about 30km west of Bursa where our rental awaited us.

Getting off the ferry was fine but then the fun began. It is never easy travelling around developing countries and we have learn't to roll with the punches. From here a taxi would cost at least 60 lira and I wanted to get closer. We asked at a shop and they directed us to a bus. We noticed they had tickets so went and queued at a counter. Ten minutes later we were back at the bus only to be told it was the wrong one. The right one was next door. 

I put my bag on a seat and went to help Sue. In returning a woman with a baby was eyeing up our seat so I gave it to her and took a single. It was a good move, she gave Julia (on my lap) some chips and a drink and gave us directions later. Julia was on my lap after a man had moved her, as a woman required her seat. 

Once off the bus at the Metro we caught a taxi to the rental company only 15 minutes away. This is where the fun started and I lost every time. It said on my form, full petrol return full, but the man was adamant that empty to empty. As you can imagine leaving a car empty of petrol is not easy to time unless you enjoy the taste. A heated argument ensued until I relented and he promised to reimburse us at the end. The GPS was twice the price advertised but was invaluable later.

Off we went following the GPS unquestioningly. All was well until we had left Bursa by about 20km. The traffic was bunked up and we bobbed along at 20-30km/hr for 30km. I had visions of arriving at Selcuk by midnight. However, our problems were caused by a faulty set of lights. The crazy part of this roading is that there are lights at every village along the way. They are on a system where green is set to the same time no matter which direction you are going in. So there we were, waiting with a large queue of traffic when no cars are coming from the green light side.

The roads are very good here and there are always two lanes in each directions and we made good time. We approached the big city of Izmur. We knew that we were going to take a major motorway to bypass it, but as we approached the GPS got cryptic and we took the wrong road. It is hard to imagine how fundamentally catastrophic this was until you have ventured into a major city in Turkey. We followed the new directions methodically, turning in all directions, as indicated by the GPS and 15 minutes later we were back on the motorway. I would hate to think what would have happened if we didn't have it.

We arrived at Selcuk at about 8.30pm and have almost slowed down to a stop. I'm not sure why people leave. It reminds me of a song. Where did I come from, aren't I suppose to be somewhere soon.

Anyway off to Ephesus tomorrow, maybe.

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