Monday 20 August 2012

Selcuk Town

There's more ancient sights around here than sneezes on a winters day. We headed the two kms into Selcuk but diverted towards Ephesus. It was our latest start by hours, 1pm. I had been for a run up towards Ephesus. I took a mountain trail after being assured that there are snakes, but they are safe, OK. The kids rested up and enjoyed the pool.

First we stopped at the Grotto of the Seven Sleepers. It is basically an  underground massive tomb sight where legend has it seven persecuted Christians fled to, from Ephesus in the 3rd century AD, only for soldiers to seal the cave system. Two centuries later an earthquake opened the wall and they awoke from their sleep. Anyway it as a great site and easy to get at.

Next we went to town for lunch. We found a real nice place where the host had spent some time working in Gallipoli. Our view included a massive ancient viaduct crossing the town. 

St. Johns Basilica where it is believed the Apostle John wrote the Gospel and is buried, is fantastic. Can anyone verify or rubbish this. The remains are fascinating. Built 1600 years ago. It puts the grandeur of Aya Sophia in perspective tho, as it was built at the same time.

At the rear of St. Johns you get a great view of the Citadel on the Ayasuluk Hill.  It is currently not open as it is being restored. That didn't stop us from driving as near as we could get for a better look.

Also from the St Johns we looked down to one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World (well at least it was) the Temple of Artemis. Its for the fertility God so we moved on quickly.

Unfortunately now the photo below shows what is left.
It had been a great day and we went back to the Getaway for a quiet swim (I wish), and a relaxing beer.

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