Monday 27 August 2012

First Days in Hawarden

We have certainly had some excitement since arriving. We had no hot water having arrived at our new house so I tried to turn on the gas. There was an immediate gas smell throughout the house so I turned it off. It was an opportunity to meet the neighbour who came over and helped out. It was better but still a strong smell but at least now the hot water was working. We left all our windows open.

The next morning while I was away meeting my new HOD all the drama unfolded. A gas checker had been called in and announced our house at critical levels and at risk of exploding. He turned it all off and warned all the other neighbours. Another opportunity to meet the other neighbours, kind of. Sue frantically rang the Realty company and two hours later they had someone come through who fixed it all.  

A little less exciting, I have been for two rides and met a number of cyclists. The hills are quite steep and I am well out of shape. Scott I think you would take me apart. Ironically one of the guys was talking about his school 'Kings'. I asked him if he knew Stephen Parry and he had had him as a teacher.

We had a great time at the Mold Baptist church. People throughout the area are very friendly. I must have asked 10 people for directions on my bike so far and they can't do enough for you. The area is a collection of villages with intertwining roads and a connecting motorway. It is very green everywhere you go. It is so unlike our previous stay in Manchester, it feels like a completely different county, which of course it is.

We also spent a nice afternoon walking through the Wepre Wood and exploring the remains of the Ewloe Castle.

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