Monday 20 August 2012

Adaland Water Park

Yesterday was probably our biggest sight seeing day yet. The kids actually slept in until 8.30am today. It started well, we had breakfast and were on our way to Ephesus by 8.30am. Its best to get there early to beat the massive crowds and heat. At the entrance there were sporadic cars and a few people. A man while trying to sell guide books informed people that because of the end of Ramadan the site did not open until 1pm. It was a snap decision and we were off to Adaland Water Park.
Adaland has so many slides that I don't think we need to go to any other water parks, or at least for a very long time. Its not cheap though with adults entering at 50Lira and kids for 40. Holly got in free. The great thing about this park is that almost all slides have a height restriction of 1.2m so Julia could do all the rides. 

Again the kids pool was very nice and Holly spent most of her time there. The kids and I spent about 2 hours doing an initial go on all the slides. 

Later we found a jet propelled slide which lifted you up and then came down by natural gravity. Holly was allowed on this one and it was difficult to get her off again. We also tricked Sue into doing a vertical drop slide. There were two next to each other very high up. We told her they were romantic rides as they were blue and pink. She only realised when she was being given her instructions and getting into an encased capsule. All ended well with just a few bruises. 

Later there was the inevitable water party which the kids loved. They boogied away for about an hour. Lunch was quite nice and although prices are high here it is possible to feed a family of 5 with 3 meals. The meals came with bread and we bribed Julia with a Lira to go up and get a second plate. 

The best part for me are the speed slides tho. Really fast and big splashes. We eventually left at 4.30pm after 6 hours of good entertainment. We were tired but went to Ephesus as it was evening and cool. But that is for the next post.  

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