Friday 24 August 2012

In the UK

The journey from Istanbul to Chester was OK but full of minor hassles. Our Apartment provided us with a minivan and dropped us off at the airport in good time. We had had such a good time with Turkish Airlines the first time that I think our expectations were to high. Well anything other that rock bottom was to high.

 It started with the ticket lady. Just not interested. I asked about seats (as we have kids) and she said briskly "later", only for two minutes later to be given our tickets without questions. I asked if we could get seats 2 and 3 and she said, not possible. We were the first at the counter for this flight. Anyway then we had a hassle with the weight of one of bags. Its amazing how a simple thanks and good morning can make an experience nicer. Next I had to get the bike paid for separately at another desk. As I was leaving a ten year old was in the way of the bike box. I asked her to move and little, and then again. She said something to me which I didn't pick up and looked at her mother only to get "well you are taking up so much space". A small altercation occurred. 

At the over size counter I was informed that I was in the wrong place and moved to the right counter. When as I got the front of the queue I had not taken a number slip at the start and went back to get one and re-queue. This went better and I paid my money and went back to the ticket counter. Unfortunately I go the same woman who seemed in a slightly better mood this time. She slapped on a sticker and sent me to the over size trolley. A bit of a walk and when there, couldn't find it. Someone helped us and we were of to the immigration counter. From here it went much better. The Turkish staff just need to learn to smile or something. It makes all the difference.

Once on the plane we sat down and put our bags up. Ironically we needed to be moved because we had been seated next to an exit and kids can't sit there. We were moved but were no longer sitting next to each other. The cabin crew didn't seem that concerned  but a very nice elderly muslin man offered to move with us.

Our flight went well and was relatively short, 4 hours. We landed in Manchester at 3pm and if we could get to Chester by 5.15pm we would be able to get into our new house. Otherwise we would not get in until Tuesday and have to stay in pokey Travel Lodge.

Once off the plane we rushed to the immigration line. There was no more rushing required. The line for UK/EU residents had at least 500 people in it. No exaggeration, with three immigration counters dealing with it. After 20 minutes we saw an e-passport line, much shorter, for those with a passport with a chip. We asked a wandering assistant if we could use it. He advised us we were in the wrong queue as even though our children had a right of abode stamp in their passport they had to go in the non-EU queue. Off we trudged. The queue was much shorter maybe 50 people but there were only 2 attendants and they were much slower. It was heading on to 4pm and the queue was half way through. It is a 50 minute drive to Harwarden where the Realtors were. 

 It pays when travelling to asks other travellers for help rather than airline/airport staff. Sue went to action and asked the people at the front of the queue if we could queue jump given our situation. They were happy (nice Spanish couple) and off we went until we reached the baggage collection. Because all the UK residence were still queuing their bags were going around and around so new bags could not be added. We got three of our five and waited. Two airport staff were pushing the bags together to create space, more bags added. After about 5 minutes we grabbed out 4th and a couple of minutes later we had our lot. 

4.10pm and maybe we can still make it. We went off running, we took the "nothing to declare" passage way only to realise it was very narrow. At one point there was a no return sliding door to go through. I had to take the bike box off push it through and return for the trolley. The two sets of doors didn't seem to appreciate this and wouldn't work afterwards. Sue took the other set of doors. 

Out in Arrivals we searched frantically for the sign "Henry Kersten" for our prearranged van. No sign of him. Sue was going to find his cell number and ask someone if she could borrow their phone. On my third search I found the driver outside a book shop holding up the sign stomach high. OK fine and we rushed off to his van. It was about 4.30pm when we left the airport and drove with vigor. We took the motorway and twice had to slow down for traffic congestion but luckily only for a couple of minutes. 
We were so relieved to reach the Realtors at 5.15pm. They were still there and we just needed to sign a couple of forms. 

Stephen Parry's parents met us here and gave us a great welcome. They even brought us some really nice food and drink for the next couple of days. We are going to meet them tomorrow so they can show us around some of the local sights.

So here we are in Harwarden in a great new house, surprisingly large back yard ready to take on our next adventure.

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