Friday 10 August 2012

Aya Sofya/Church of the Divine Wisdom by Soph and Jules

Today we went to Aya Sophia. It was originally a church but got turned into a mosque. A mosque is somewhere where people go to pray. The church got turned into a mosque after a war. The ruler who fought and won the church had decided to make it into a museum because of its speciality. It was nice of the Islamic people to not completely destroy it, it still has hidden crosses everywhere. It was not so long before mum and me found out that they had painted over the original mosaics placed all over the church. Well I had better let Julia have some time to write, because I have probably told you the most obvious things about the church. Bob bye. Sophia

On Friday morning daddy and me went to the supermarket. We got  watermelon, milk, popcorn, plums, nuts and sunblock. We went to look at the shops, I wanted a sweatshirt and pants, Sophia got a sweatshirt and pants. For breakfast I got cornflakes, for lunch I had burger king.
from Julia Kersten
how are you omaaaaaaa? Holly

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