Wednesday 15 August 2012

Ramadan Festivities

While we had been at the Blue Mosque a guy, who had told us many things about the building in the hope of selling us a carpet, had mentioned that on that evening there would be a light show and festival to mark  Ramadan. We had heard this a number of times since getting to Istanbul but because of the time difference had never managed to get out late enough.

We wandered up towards the Hippodrome (the large open space in the old city). A queue had formed outside a kebab shop of locals. That seemed to be the place to go and 5 minutes later we had 6 chicken roles for just 18 lira. I couldn't believe the speed at which they were working and the volume of people they were getting through.

A temporary outdoor theatre had been erected. It looked like a stand for 500 but about 3000 squashed in to hear the formal speeches. We sat down behind the seating with many of the families and ate our tea. Halfway through we realised we were a little premature as absolutely no one else was eating. 

There are five calls to prayer in Ramadan, the first at 4.30am as I frequently find out. Anyway at about 8.10pm there was a call and the eating was all on. We moved on into the main open area (the Sultan Ahmet Park). It was crowded like crazy. Families everywhere, so we decided to finish our dinner.

The Blue Mosque was all lit up and the water fountain gave a colourful display. At about 9.30pm the final call to prayer came and people started moving in all directions. Thousands headed into the mosques and other seemed to be heading home. It seems the whole city slows down in the evenings but never goes to sleep.

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