Friday 3 August 2012

Lumphini Park and the Sky Train

It was our rest day yesterday so we went onto the sky train (BTS)  which is right below our accommodation and took a ride to Lumphini Park. This side of Bangkok is so different to Kao san Road. We are surrounded by office buildings and hotels. There are few shops and unless we go two stops on the BTS there are no markets. The locals here are obviously well educated and well paid. Even the taxi drivers are less likely to try and rip you off. Unfortunately the market area Silom is very seedy and full of people trying to usher you into strip bars. I think the Kao san road area is a better place to stay.

Lumphini park is massive tho and right in the heart of the city. We walked around watching the locals. We found a playground which Holly enjoyed playing in and making new friends. Later we hired a row boat and I took the kids around.

We found some massive lizards in the water, about 1.5meters long. At first we thought they were snakes as we could only see their large heads. Soon though one started swimming and it became obvious they were not snakes.

The local game of Takraw was being played in the park also. Basically a form of volleyball, the difference is that it uses a lightweight bamboo ball and you can't use your hands, sort of like a cross between soccer and volleyball. They were awesome and very acrobatic.

All through the park there are designated bike tracks with clear instructions not to exceed 20Km/hr. Most people were jogging tho and often in large groups.

Well now that I have finished this blog the park visit occurred two days ago and we leave early in the morning for Turkey. Will hear from us again when we arrive.


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