Monday 20 August 2012

Ephesus (Efes)

It was late afternoon 5.30pm by the time we arrived here so it had cooled down nicely and most of the crowds had departed. The bus groups are the worst as they trundle along following a numbered and coloured board held aloft by a cheerful descriptive individual. You can't get past the masses and end up listening to a foreign language while trying to read a board. 

Ephesus has to been seen to be believed. From the photos I had though there were only a couple of major buildings but there is a city still there. The Great Theatre was probably my favourite part as I was able to go up and down the seating and get on stage and try out the acoustics. 

There are about three major roads still very usable and create an amazing ambiance as we strolled up from the south entrance up to the higher north entrance. This photo is of Curetes Way looking down towards the Library of Celsus. 
The kids started waning about halfway through our 2.5hour tour of the place. They had spent 6 hours at the water park and were really tired. I think they would have been much worse in the morning tho as the heat and lack of shade would have been a killer. It was important to take a toilet stop ancient style.

We found the higher and smaller Odium where the city leaders met and musical performances were given. This was a chance for the girls to show their talents. Sue did a great speech but got shy in front of the camera.

On our return to the car we stopped to have a good look at the  library of Celsus. It is obvious to see they took learning very serious. It is the best preserved building at Ephesus. It is amazing to think that a number of years ago most of this was just rubble. They have spent the last couple of decades putting it all back together. 
It wasn't pretty by the time the kids got home today. Still they have had a good nights sleep and bounced back well.
Below is Harbour St where the water used to meet it only 500m down. The bay has silted up and the water retreated, which is why the city was abandoned eventually.

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