Thursday 19 July 2012

Thoughts of Phuket

It isn't exactly an intrepid destination but can be a great adventure if you do certain things. Avoid resorts is the key. Yesterday we had a day without electricity. About 32 degrees inside. Doesn't sound much but when air isn't moving it is real stifling.

I followed the directions of a blogger two days a go and took the family into Phuket Town. Narrow streets going in all directions with Chinese and Portuguese history. We were supposed to just wander the streets. Again that wasn't so much fun in the heat. I enjoyed it tho and saw a couple of old manors used in various movies. Eventually we relented and used one of the Tuk Tuks to visit a mall on the outskirts of the town.

If you are ever looking for a guesthouse in Phuket for a family "Pineapple Guesthouse" is the place. The apartment is very basic but has two separate bedroom with huge king sized beds. Our three girls slept in one very happily, usually facing in all directions. There is cable TV and broadband Internet. The managers are a family outfit and were fantastic. They took our kids on motorbike rides and helped immensely. Use them to arrange bookings and taxis. They always get a very cut price.

Phuket is much better than I thought it would be. As long as you get out of the main tourist areas you will meet the real people. Had a great talk to a taxi driver yesterday.

Well off to Bangkok in 2 hours and better get cracking. Time has gone so fast.


Phuket in the back of a Tuk Tuk

Outside the Guesthouse, Holly and Si's daughter (Pen) off for a ride
PS the kids are complaining it is to cold and it is 29 degrees, they're nuts!!

1 comment:

  1. Travel safe to Bangkok - enjoying your blog - fab photos - Henry you look like the Queen sitting back in that tuk tuk!!
