Sunday 22 July 2012

Rest Day with Action

I think the main difference with a rest day is that we start off much later. This often works badly as we end up leaving at about noon and in the hottest part of the day.

Today we ventured into Khao San Road, the crazy place of Bangkok where 80% of the backpackers hang out and stay. We live about a 10min walk from there. Its really a neat place to go because of all the street side stalls, restaurants and shops we could be interested in.

Sophia had been keen to get her hair braided but up till now it had been too expensive. We ventured through various narrow alleyways and came across a hair dresser who would do it for 600Bt. Sophia was rapped. It took about 1.5hours so Sue and I had a Thai massage in the interim. I think it is an opportunity for the locals to enact some revenge. Lots of elbows and knees creating pressure upon points I suppose. It was nice in the end but Sue seemed to be going through agony.

During our wait I had ventured off with the other two girls into one of the many 7 11s. There is literally 1 every couple of hundred metres.  I purchased various goods worth 187Bt, gave 1000Bt note and was given a heap of change. Something didn't seem right though as there were heaps of 20Bt notes. Got about 3ms from the counter and had a count up. 600Bt short, even as I turned to go back she looked coy and handed over the rest. She obviously couldn't tell I am dutch.

Most of the Thai are so helpful and friendly. However, there is this thing that if you are under 25, female and work in some sort of shop you tend to be very unengaged and disinterested. Some aren't like this but many are which is very off putting.

Usually each day we have travel school with the girls. Either mathletic, reading or geography for about an hour. Anyway today we had cultural interaction. Their task was to find out another child's name and nationality from those using the pool. They tried and failed as the only other kid there, couldn't speak English. We sat there considering our dilemma when we all started laughing. Holly had used our soccer ball and thrown it at the girl which turned into a game of pass the ball. Holly was the only one to pass class that day.

Great day planned for tomorrow as we are off on a 35Km cycle tour.

1 comment:

  1. Can we have a close-up photo of Sophia's new hairdo please.
    Good for Holly to be the top of the class , well done Holly!
