Sunday 8 July 2012

On our Way

About 6 months ago we worked out what date to leave NZ. We thought 7 days after school breaks up would be enough time to get everything done and have a couple of days chill out time before leaving. Didn't quite work out that way. We had 2 hours chill out time before our flight once everything had been completed. I haven't worked so hard for so long. I thought teaching was hard!! One night before the cleaners arrived we were still packing things up until a quarter to 12 at night.

Still all done now, and we are in Auckland staying with Pam, an old friend from Richmond.

Its been a great day and the kids all loved the flight. They were thrilled with fluffy clouds and views of the volcanoes.

Had some excitement at the airport which I suspect is an indication of things to come in the future. We were at Nelson airport with some friends and family there to see us off, (thanks all). The first boarding call came over and of course Nathan tells me not to worry as still have ages before they leave. Sue's in the toilet with Holly and the kids are off in the playground. Sue arrives back and starts talking to all there. The kids are arriving and the final call is heard over the intercom. Our four suitcases and cycle box are all loaded but we have an array of backpacks strewn on the floor. I'm grabbing bags and putting them on kids (poor Julia, it was a little to heavy). Sue's got a small bag on her back. I'm saying here Sue you put this one on. Unfortunately shes deep in conversation and over the intercom, "would the Kersten family please make their way to departures". Where off, kids, Sue and me carrying two bags a laptop and camera bag, the packhorse. Sorry for not saying good bye properly to you all. Its a good way of avoiding the airline people worrying about how heavy or how many bags you have though.

We are coming up with better systems though, three trolleys, less distraction and putting Holly on the trolley.
These three look like trouble. Sue, Sophia and Pam

In Pams car on our way back to her place. Julia's still excited but Holly's starting to collapse.

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