Saturday 21 July 2012


The trip over from Phuket was pretty smooth. Saying goodbye to Si our host wasn't easy but e-mail accounts were shared. As predictable as chips at McD's the Air Asia flight was delayed.

I must watch myself, as I allowed myself to get upset in the baggage queue. There we were lined up for an age when they opened a second counter right next to ours, great twice as quick. After another 5 minutes a man moves to the front of the second counter and ignored the other 40 people lined up. I can't help myself and very ungraciously asked him what he was up to. He suggested that it made no difference to me as it was a new counter. Needless to say I disagreed loudly, probably inappropriate comments were made. Didn't seem to change his mind tho. He certainly was embarrassed as I probably should also have been. Sue thought given his ethnicity I needed to be more careful.

The flight was good but after picking up our baggage they managed to ruin one of our bigger suitcases. Apparently the maximum Air Asia can give out on the claim is 500Bt, $20NZ. Not much but probably much more than I paid for it.

It was an eye opener driving into Bangkok from the airport. Massive Motorways some times 5 lanes wide. Oh how Bangkok has changed. Our ride was long and it had been a long day for the girls. Wasn't much fun being with them in the taxi. About 1hr 10min later, 7 hours since we left out Phuket guesthouse for a 80 minute flight we arrived at our new guest house called New Siam 2.

The hours of effort finding great accommodation have been well worth it. We have two rooms, a good cheap restaurant and a pool which the kids are hard to drag out of. There are a number of families with kids the same age as ours.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you arrived safely , I am sure you were all very tired maybe you can have a restday tomorrow .

    Take care , love opa en oma
