Sunday 29 July 2012

A Couple of Days in the Ancient Wats

Siem Reap is a great place to just hang out. We have spent the last three days just wandering around the different sights. Usually only for about 4hrs a day. Believe it or not we still missed quite a bit out. It is unbelievable how much impressive building they did back in the 10th and 11th centuries. We were disappointed tho as tonight we went to walk up a hill which overlooks some of the wats only to be turned away as we were 15min late. I was keen to offer a bribe but our companion Daniel thought better of it as there were too many people around.

Its also very hot when doing the sightseeing. We spent about 5hrs yesterday in the hot sun and it really wore us out. Sue ended up carrying Holly through the last one. It always amazes me how quickly the kids recover once they are back in the pool.

We leave Cambodia tomorrow morning. We have decided to take a Bus all the way to Bangkok as it is three hours quicker than a train bus combination. Still only $45US for the whole family which is good. I am a little worried about the kids in the bus for 9hrs but it must be done.

Cambodia is a great place to visit. I have been quite surprised by just how many tourists are in this place. There are so many hotels and guest houses. At Angkor Wat park there are buses everywhere. Its bewildering.

Here are some of our favourite pics of the Wats. This is Ta Keo. Really high and steep. Great views of the surroundings.

Ta Prohm is a very famous Wat where it has been left in it's original state, that is with the trees growing over it.
 Sue took the girls out to a Butterfly Garden today.

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