Friday 13 July 2012

Bed Ridden

Most of us are now bed ridden. Yesterday we decided to have a nice rest day at the mall in Patong. Huge place with modern shopping. We took in a movie, Ice Age 4 (not as good as the others). We also had lunch. The kids and I enjoyed McDs while Sue bought a chicken kebab. Hers looked so good that we all had a small bite. What a mistake that was.! Luckily Holly was asleep and is now fine. Just on the side McD's Thailand brings new meaning to having ice with your coke. The Ice literally came 3/4 of the way up the cup.

We were up at about midnight last night sorting out Julia's and Sophia's trips to the toilet or getting part way there. We are all OK, as long as we don't get up. Holly will need to wait for her milk. I think in 24hrs we will be good to go again and postpone today's adventure until then.


  1. Hi - what a drama for you! Best stick to McD's and fresh fruit and vege and that rice cooker in your apartment!!

  2. Oh dear :(
    Hope you are all feeling better now. Back to school/work for us tomorrow after a great two weeks off, Doug included. Hannah
