Saturday 21 July 2012

Temples and Markets

We got up early today as it gets real hot later, caught a Tuk Tuk and headed through the crazy traffic to the Grand Palace.

The Grand Palace is amazing even tho I have been there before it never ceases to amaze me. The intricate carving and decoration are unbelievable. Incredibly hot tho, as there is no wind and even by 10 am it is getting unbearable. Sophia was in flake mode again and kept wanting to go back to the guesthouse. We were probably there for a couple of hours.
Its amazing how quickly they recover tho. We left the complex and bought a drink, donuts and bananas from street side vendors. It was about a 15min walk to the river. The whole way there were vendors. Makes for interesting walking. It becomes a hassle tho to ignore the Tuk Tuk drivers asking where we are going etc. We still have people touching Julia and Holly amazed by how they look.

It was 3Bt to cross the main river in Bangkok, public boat. Awesome river (Chao Phraya), water being churned up in every direction. The kids loved this experience and it was much cooler with the wind blowing through.
Across the other side we found the Wat Arun "Temple of the Dawn", Named after Aruna, the Indian God of Dawn. Its a traditional type of Wat, real tall and steep. The kids loved climbing up the almost vertical steps and having a great view of the surrounding city.

This was the highlight of the day for the kids, except of course for the pool. They must have spent 3 hours in it today.

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