Thursday 12 July 2012

Mums turn

Hi de hi all,

On the first morning as we left our guesthouse we opened the door to warm air, new smells, different vegetation, housing, everything! Its so amazing to be exposed to soo many different things at once!

We are trying all of the local fruit, had a cooking demonstration as part of our elephant safari when I can I will try out my new cooking knowledge... Mmm yummy chicken rice noodles!

Loving not being in the highly touristy area, we are hanging with the locals around us. The guest house manager has asked the girls to play with her daughter so we go over there everyday when she is back from school. People arrive from out of the woodwork to play badminton, football, hulla-hooping. Holly slightly stubbed her toe and all of a sudden this man arrived with stuff to help!

All of the women want to kiss Hollys cheeks, an Iranian family who are on holiday for 3months introduced themselves down at the beach. They were really taken with Holly, the mother wanted to hug and kiss Holly. She has two boys and wants a girl.

I'm loving how relaxed everyone is here. Henry is slowing down and the girls are just loving all of the new experiences.

Loving it all! That final week of mad packing and sorting was worth it! Can you believe it!! Will take another swim for you all tomorrow, and oh yes put on my t-shirt and shorts ;)



  1. Glad to hear you are starting to relax - how has the hair braiding gone? Did you get to that before the dodgy chicken meal??

  2. Those iceblocks look yummy girls!
