Monday 22 July 2013

San Francisco and Biking Adventures

San Francisco has to be the coolest city I have ever been to. Heaps of people run and cycle and there is a cohesion to the city ethnically and socially I haven't seen in the US. The pieces just seem to fit together better and everybody seems far more informed about the rest of the world.

We started the day by taking a tram (F line) down to Fisherman's
Wharf. Something happened again which we hadn't experienced in a while. Our girls all sat on a seat separated from us. Four american woman (sisters) had them surrounded and after a short time were quizzing them on where we were from, where we had been and where we were going. They were quite taken by the girls and of course wanted the inevitable photo. Fifteen minutes later they bid farewell saying meeting the girls had made their day. 

We got off the tram and made our way to the San Francisco Bicycle Rentals. We we all measured up and good to go. Holly was especially keen as she imagined unbridled power with little effort having a clip-on on the back of my bike. 

The biking was easy and we cruised along the water front towards the Golden Gate Bridge.With a stroke of luck we came across the America's Cup set-up but unfortunately on a rest day. 

The bridge itself was awesome. Couldn't believe how many people were biking, running or walking over it. Great thing we had bells and put them to good use. The bridge itself is 2.7km long and gave breathtaking views of the city and harbour. It was surprisingly cold up there and we were glad to have polar fleeces. Unfortunately Julia pulled a slight muscle in her neck and we needed to curtail our longer journey to Golden Gate Park.

After dropping off the bikes we headed to Pier 39 known for it's huge crowds, seals and crazy shops. The seals were just hanging out probably bemused by the large number of people kept at bay watching their non-movement.

The crowds were large and the shops were fun. Our girls loved the piano staircase. As they ran up and down the music would play in accordance. They are amused by the simplest things and would have stayed a lot longer if not enticed away by the thought of ice-creams. The piers are a really happening place in San Francisco and also provide the typical tourist shops for souvenirs which Sue obliged willingly.


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