Monday 22 July 2013

Arriving in San Francisco

It was a strange feeling driving up the coast. No time for sightseeing or stopping. We had spent the last nine days driving every day covering a total of over 2000 miles, way too far. We had to drop the rental in San Francisco central before 1pm and still had a drive of a little under four hours to get there.

The roads are very pleasant with straight freeways all the way requiring little slowing. We checked into our hostel first "Adelaide Hostel", before rushing to a petrol station. Eating on the run has created a rather large mess throughout the car. We used the vacuum to good effect and arrived at the rental drop-off with 15 minutes to spare. Because it was a Sunday it closed at 1pm.

Budget had created a small issue as they had entered my date of birth as the issue date of my license and were attempting to charge me extra for being a young driver. It all got sorted and as we were waiting we saw our car get wheeled out for the next client. "Man that was quick!!" It was all shiny again and looking like new. Obviously no time for checks though.

We bustled onto the sidewalk and attempted to get our bearings.
Yeah! No more car!!
The kids were re-leaved to be out of the car. All we wanted was food but it was a bit of a walk. Not only is San Fran highly expensive for accommodation but also for food. There were no Burger Kings or McD's for miles. Eventually we found a sandwich bar place in the like of Subway and settled down at Union Square for a picnic. 

We had a couple of hours to waste so took in China Town before climbing the hills to our Hostel. A nice place. We have a TV, free wifi and breakfast. In the evening they showed a movie but we only lasted 30 minutes as the Halo setting wasn't quite age appropriate.

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