Thursday 4 July 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

It was almost a year ago exactly, that I remember walking with some good friends and sharing how our upcoming 'exchange' was feeling a bit like a 'jumping off a cliff' experience... the truth is, it was exactly that! Leaving my support network, and heading into the unknown!

We started the journey with 39 days of predominantly just us. This in itself could have been a potential problem. However it was simply the most amazing time as a family, and has really bonded us.

Putting yourself out of your comfort zone, change, challenge, is an equation that doesn't always compute well with my phlegmatic temperament. It is in such situations however that the best growth, change, results, happen. Would I do it all again? Yes, but maybe not straight away! I'm looking forward to some still waters.

We are in pack down mode now, it is busy. We are also in the farewell phase, I never find saying goodbye easy but are attempting to glide with it.

As we prepare to leave I am acutely aware of the 'shepherds hand' that has been present...what are the chances of finding a fully furnished rental next to the most generous, friendly neighbours? Neighbours that just happen to have two children that my girls just adore. What are the chances of having family friends just around the corner that will take us in on our final nights here? This will enable us to pack up and prepare for the property inspection.

I have grown really fond of the girls friends and feel really emotional about seeing them for what may be the last time. Their enthusiastic knocks at the door, or more recently their barging in followed by the speedy flow of chatter and eye sparkles at seeing us will really be missed!

How was it possible that we ended up in the Northop Hall school community? Was it by chance? I have really done the rounds of all of the schools here as a supply really is the best fit! We have been in a bit of a bubble, have even experienced what I interpret to be 'celebrity status', it has been nice to have so many people interested in us. It has been nice to be embraced and included.

Part of the farewell glide has been a trip to an indoor play area organised by Alison. Alison is the mum of Emily one of Sophs friends. Lots of Sophia's friends met up, and it was good for me to get some talking miles in. We have been meeting up for afternoon teas after school to say our goodbyes, and look forward to some shared meals with friends in the next couple of days. Soph and Jules have had sleepovers and are exchanging special notes and gifts with their friends. Friendship at the ages of 4,8 and 10 is a beautiful thing. Holly is joining in on 'all the fuss' by giving her special toys to special friends.

It has been a year of refreshing, renewing for me, not without its bumps and bruises. I feel good about what the future will hold and have a new confidence to face new challenges.

Very grateful to the people that have 'come across my path' this year and to those that were part of making it all happen. Thanks Andy for initiating the exchange, Stephen for creating a 'space' for us, to Henry my husband for being the 'action man' (making it all happen)...and of course for getting the best exchange rate whenever we change our money ;), to my precious girls who have astounded me with their adaptability, resilience and general great attitude.

Ahh Shux! 

Have you ever been completely dumbfounded? Is that an actual word? I had my first experience of it yesterday when at work my agents turned up with a beautiful bunch of flowers and a nice card! I hadn't seen them since the first initial interview and have only had phone contact since...I blame it on that.

So relieved that the 'job' is over, it has at times been a test of my usual unflappable nature. It has also been an amazing experience. I do feel for Henry who has to push on and through to the day we leave!

We will be in fourth gear for awhile now, do hope we can slip into 5th and cruise.

Looking forward to the next adventure...America here we come, 7 more days and YES I am counting!

Looking forward to HOME SWEET HOME xox S

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you too! We will have to go for long walks in the hills so you will have time to share your stories....
    Sophia is definately needed on Sarah's football team - Debbie and I have both "told" Mike that we need her ;-). We could even do with Julia too! Enjoy your travels home ....
