Friday 19 July 2013

Cooking at Calico

400 miles is a long way no matter how you cut it. Julia says, "I need to go the toilet", reply "after another 100 miles". We left early and finally made Calico Ghost Town over five hours later.

Now this is heat. Yeah sure only 106F but this time we were out in it for 90 minutes. The town itself is pretty much as the name suggests. A western type ghost town with mostly authentic shops and buildings apart from now they sell nick knacks or food.

The high lights included the train which was no more than 200m long but had a great description of what the town used to be. We got talking to a Mexican couple. She lived some where famous on the coast of Mexico I had never heard of and I am fairly sure she didn't know where New Zealand was especially when she asked what other language we spoke and suggested we were both speaking English as a second language. Really nice people though. Reminds me of speaking to people in the UK. One of my classes told me they couldn't understand anything I was saying for the first month. That did explain a few things.

The mine was the other highlight. The idea of walking through a darkly lit cave heading who knows where never gets old. It gave a great description of the silver mining and the conditions the men were working in. It's well worth a visit to this town and the price is reasonable. Just ignore the attempt to make it in to some sort of theme park. If you go mid summer you can also experience the conditions they would have lived under. All my girls including the biggest one struggled with the hour we were here. Imagine if there wasn't any power.

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