Friday 14 September 2012

Feet on the ground in Wales,(Well almost!)

I'm wiring (do you like my u.k vocab), to be in contact with everyone!

We are now in our furnished rental with a young family to our right. Holly and Megan (3) are already bff's, and Jules is coaching James (7) in football. Peter his father is grateful as he has been trying for years to create some  football interest in his son. Sophia has made a friend with Katie, she is 3 doors down and also 9. Its amazing how having a steady stream of kids through the house can make it seem like home. Neighbours in our attached bungalow are nice as are our self confessed 'canny' neighbours across the road.
Holly and Megan both 3yr years old

The last 15 days have been a whirlwind of call centres, cut of calls, all in an attempt to set up the phone/internet/t.v, register at the medical centre etc, all the basics of life,... after hours on the phone we have all of the above now despite the need for a visit from several service men. The first service man on day 2 of being here, informed me that the leaking gas levels were alarmingly high and that the house could have exploded and possibly the one next door. My reaction was disbelief, I was all a bit overwhelmed considering we had just slept a night in the house.

Anyway,... too much to do to get too concerned. Finding a suitable school has been a challenge as there is a bulge in numbers in year 3 students, so we have a 4 mile school run. Was really hoping to be able to walk to school with the neighbours but it is not to be. We are however entitled to a taxi service as they can not provide schooling closer to our address, so as the kids settle I will take advantage of that. The parents and teachers at the school have been very welcoming, one day I was literary swarmed with hand shakes, questions, talk; very nice. It is a small school Northop Hall (178 chn), and has a simple site with an old church in the back drop... I almost expect to bump into Aimee, Kylie, Tracey in the playground. Its the usual school run chat with a few "oh we are off to Greece for a wedding this week", and "our holiday in Turkey was hot"...or from our librarian 2 mins down our street "you wont see me next week, I'm off to Cyprus for a week". :)

"Ah mum, not ready for the photo yet!" No 'fixed' playground , joining the PTA next week, hoping to join fundraising for onsite playground.

I've had three families simply knock on our door and introduce themselves, with offers of help. Louri who has 3 children similar in age to ours just lives around the corner, her house was burnt down last dec after their dishwasher blew up. She is bi-lingual, so I'm hoping to learn some Welsh while here to satisfy that pint of welsh blood running through my veins. Almost a week ago while following her home from a holiday programme, I got mildly lost ( have had to give myself a sit down map reading inservice since!) After this event...she turned up at our house just to make sure I had got home...bless her! It was rather funny when 2 days later in her drive a driver stopped to ask me for directions!! What was even more amusing to me was that I could give them as I already knew where the local golf course was!

Stephen Parrys extended family have sent us house warming cards, have taken us on a tour of the area and have taken us out for afternoon tea... we have had 2 dinner invites in as many weeks, so I think its fair to say that we are surrounded by a friendly bunch.!!

I'm making an effort to articulate my words as sometimes I think words are missed, the girls are picking up different terminology and also welsh which is taught at school. Its all a bit of a challenge at times. Getting used to driving the picturesque yet narrow roads, indicating with the left lever rather then the right (Mmmm Holly couldn't stop giggling one day when I couldn't work out how to turn the blasted window wipers off, and when I finally did the back ones started!!) All this change...(Loving ASDA Sarah!!) has got to stimulate more brain growth?!

The few runs that I have managed to squeeze in are along those pathways that cut through farm land, I feel really lucky to have access to them only 2mins from our front door. Henry has explored the rolling hills on his bike, he tells us that the roads continue through the paddocks and that you have sheep on either side. I can't wait to get up that high to experience that and the view!

Managed a good run this morning after dropping Holly at nursery. She looks ever so cute in her uniform. The teacher told me later that she cried for 13mins (she had clocked it!) When I collected her she looked really happy and proud of herself and her picture.

It was a tragically boring run with squirrels scurrying past my path and the occasional badger...o.k, the badger was a stretch ;)...I jumped in the car at 9.16 and locked our Skoda @ 9.22am and entered the 160 acre woodland which is named Wepre Park. As I glided past Ewloe Castle, and under the over hanging trees I amost expected to run into Robin Hood!

* p.s boring run  is really code for all of the housework/job hunting I'm doing ;) ;) if you are talking to Henry.

After school today we are looking forward to seeing Sophia, she has just spent 2 nights at Nant Bwlch Yr Haearn an outdoor education centre. I have been so impressed with her adaptability, she has slotted in and gone off to camp after only 4 days at school!! Jules is doing well, she however had a really teary day on day four of school here, I softened up and took her home as she was soo upset and also has a good dose of a cold. On the following monday she cried again, it was soo hard for me as she is generally so 'tuff' about I knew it was hard! I had to remove myself emotionally from her and be firm. The teacher at the end of the day said she had a good wail, but after that was quite happy. On the Tuesday she said in the car  on the way to school "mum I feel like I might feel a bit like I did yesterday morning", I said thats o.k, she had a little cry in the car and then started telling Holly about how she was starting on Wednesday. When we arrived she asked "do my eyes look red", they didn't and she happily walked in holding Hollys hand. She is very brave and I think the fact that Soph is away at camp makes it harder.



  1. Heeeeeey its aimee, hope ya having fun!!

  2. Hi Aimee, say hello to your mum, dad, and sisters from us all. Big smiles to you from all the girls.
