Tuesday 18 September 2012

Chirk Castle

We have had the opportunity to get around lately and the weather has been reasonable. So our first adventure was to explore Chirk Castle. The National Heritage Trust is a great undertaking where many castles, manors and other places are open to the public. It is free to trust members and we joined while still in NZ.

The castle had magnificent walls and dates back to the 13th century. We ventured in and toured the living areas. This is what many of the locals call posh. It was great for the kids as a teddy bears was hidden in each room. 

Later a show was put on for the kids involving a knight in armour and lots of children with sticks. Sophia hopped on her horse, raised her lance and charged the knight. She went so fast that having hit the shield so hard the knight fell over which I suspect was part of the act. Later we found the armoury and the kids enjoyed the opportunity to dress themselves up. There was also an array of weapons to try.

Our favourite was the dungeon. Very simple with just two rooms at the bottom of a circular staircase. We also wondered around the gardens immaculately kept.

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