Wednesday 19 June 2013

New Brighton Promenade - Beach, Wirral

A local artist built this pirate ship from drift wood for everyone to enjoy. Can you spot Soph?
New Brighton is a seaside resort on the Wirral, just south of Liverpool. It has sandy beaches that line the Irish Sea. A day out at the beach there was just a little different than going to the beach at Rabbit Island.
Sand castle fun with friends.

Up to the 19th Century, the area had a reputation for smuggling and wrecking. Secret underground cellars and tunnels are still rumoured to exist.

In 1830 a Liverpool merchant, James Atherton, purchased much of the land at Rock Point, which enjoyed views out to sea and across the Mersey with good beaches. His aim was to develop it as a desirable residential and watering place for the gentry in a similar way to Brighton - hence "New Brighton".

A promenade was built in the 1890s which we walked, scootered and biked along. We passed many others out enjoying the day also. There were seaside fair type rides to enjoy, lots of restaurants and cafes. The queue for ice creams was REALLY long but worth the wait!

Eating Icecreams with the Clancies
The two woman to the left of Henry are his work colleagues.
Thanks Claire for a great day out!

We love summer in the U.K!

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