Monday 27 May 2013

County Cross Country

Imagine the windiest day ever, then times that by 5...

I collected the girls from school at 9.40am, we then travelled to Buckley Common ( a large field with a medium lake/pond).

The wind was really strong and it was really cold. Julia raced first, she ran 1km, she ran really hard the whole way and came in 6th overall. She ran with year 3s and 4's. A big effort, given half of the course meant battling the wind.

Sophias course was 1.5kms, she ran really well and came in 3rd, she was the only one in our school to get a top 3 place so there was a big holler for her when she went up to receive her medal.
Team Northop Hall with Mr Allman and Miss Bowen the Head

Julia in 5th place

Soph with her medal, really pleased, big effort put in today!

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