Monday 22 April 2013

Julsey now 8! - An Adventure Party

Julia is quite particular about what she wants, and with party plans in the air everything had to be carefully negotiated with her.
Julia with McKenzie looking for clues. This is the main street in Mancot which backs onto our street. Our library is just beyond the phone booth on right.

We settled on an 'adventure party'...all the invites went out and I was hoping that not everyone could make it simply because if the weather was poor I didn't want everyone inside.

We started with an adventure trail around the neighbour-hood, following on from this they all had to find a treasure map in the garden and then decode that to find the treasure...lots of fun had by all.
Team Sarah, first to complete puzzle and then off! Holly soo pleased /relieved she could join in!

LtoR Ben, McKenzie, Julia,William, Rose, Sophie, Holly, Sophia, Jessica, Megan
Julia chose to have a picture of her good friend Charlie on her cake. She loves this photo.

We are very proud of our JULES!
Cant believe that Julia is now 8, she is a very conscientious, determined girl. She loves her friends and sisters and does really thoughtful things for them. 

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