Friday 29 March 2013

Bodiam Castle and Chartwell

We left Cambridge and hopefully the last of the snow. I suspect not though. Quick visit to Asda for food and we were off. Important note is not to use petrol stations on motorways and especially on the M25 (the London loop). The prices are about 8% more.

Bodiam castle is what you would call a traditional medieval castle with towers and moat. It's one of those great treasures hidden near the south coast. Because it is owned by the National Trust it isn't as well known as the other castles near London. But this was something out of a classic movie and shouldn't be missed. 

Originally it had a small draw bridge but unfortunately was sacked by the parliamentary army many centuries before. It was still an opportunity to climb the ramparts and check out towers. I feel sorry for anyone having to try and attack this place. 

Later and on our way to Croydon, London we dropped into Chartwell. This is the family home of Sir Winston Churchill. Great gardens and house. Well setup with a museum in a couple of the rooms. He was quite the man and well loved by the country. It was a short trip from here and Sue's uncle Colin greeted us warmly. He has a great house which feels very comfortable after staying in travel lodges for the last few nights. Might not be warm but plenty of blankets to go round.

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