Thursday 17 January 2013

Dutch Relatives in the Netherlands

We left Amsterdam early. Luckily after New Years Eve our street was clear of markets and cars. I had taken a tram back to the station and picked up our car. Of course I had another problem paying as there facility to pay by credit card was broken. It took about an hour and a half to get back to our apartment after taking the wrong tram and having to run down a couple of roads to find the right one. Of course as I arrive the tram I needed was leaving and wasn't going to stop for me. It is a far reduced service on public holidays and I had a long wait.

It was an easy drive to Asten with the roads pretty empty. We arrived at ome Paul's place at about noon and were welcomed by him tante Alie, cousin Francois, his partner Sandra and children Tygo and Kyra. Later we were also joined by Werner and Janine and their son. I had first met Werner many years before when he was visiting New Zealand and had taken him on a long mountain bike ride up Fringe Hill in Nelson.

It was a great time as we all enjoyed the meal and talked. Ome Paul and tante Alie seemed especially taken with Holly as she entertained in her usual way. At about 3pm it was time to say our farewells. It was great for our kids to meet some of their dutch relies. As we left with the hosts watching we again left heading the wrong way around the round about. This happened to us back in 1998 in the same place. It finally occurred to me why. Often dutch streets are single laned to allow for cycle lanes on either side of the road. As we were in the middle of the road it is very easy to switch back into being on the left hand side. Luckily this never happened else where, where it could be a little more dangerous. Still embarrassing though. 

We headed towards Limburg and just over into Belgium where we had reservations at a Youth Hostel in a tiny place called St Martens-Voeren. We got there in the dark but settled in well. There were only about 8 people booked but there was another family with four children and after some encouragement our kids were playing with them. They were from Belgium and language was an issue. However, they all played Foosball and soon Sophia had names and places. 

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